
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back from Sydney

I am back in Adelaide after a pleasant extended weekend in Sydney.  Its 100+ in Adelaide.  I'll tell you all about Sydney over the next week.  But here are some hgihlights!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Skunk Works Afloat II - Why MOTS Is Not the Answer

I'm writing this sitting in the computer lab transferring roughly 15GB of CFD simulations.  But nevermind that.  That was Friday night actually.  Now I'm sending data back from home though.  In continuing with this new series, today I comment in secret on why MOTS is not the answer for LCS.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Skunk Works Afloat - LCS Background

LCS is in the news, well, Navy type news, again and stealing the headlines at some of the blogs I follow regularly.  In general, I find myself a little afraid of the commentariat in those places.  Not that they don't seem like nice people.  Just very experienced.  And I have my very own blog, which at least a couple of naval type people read.  So, all you family types, content warning.  It will be a little like Gene or Athena at the lake.  And all you Webbkins, well, do as you wish, this is probably a little much for Wolfpack LLC at this point in time.  This is going to be a 3 parter I think.  First some LCS background, then what not to do about LCS and then what would be interesting if it could be done.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Planning Continues

As my work hours and paychecks slowly accumulate, so do my travel plans.  This time, my Great Barrier Dive trip for the end of February started to take shape.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My First Travel Plans

For the past few months I have been planning for my big trip to the Great Barrier Reef.  Its been difficult to plan with all the choices and variables.  But I am happy to report I have made the first purchase of my first big interstate Australian adventure.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back Under and Blagging

I have once again returned to the land of cricket, kangaroos and summer.  I had a grand ol time making the appropriate amount of mischief back home.  I escaped my shopping weekend unscathed, although it may be the last time I am allowed to skip The Nutcracker.  I'll have to get something fancy next time I am in Anthropologie to wear for next year.  A mysterious amount of miles were added to the odo of my dad's favorite car, an indeterminate amount of snow was removed from the driveway and i was thoroughly reminded of what winter is supposed to feel like.